1. Loftet blir kortare. Just nu tänker vi 2,60 långt. 3 meter tar för mycket av den öppna ytan. Vi vill njuta av den stora takvolymen. Kan ändras igen.
1. The Loft will be shorter. Right now we are thinking 2.60 far. 3 meter takes too much of the open space. We want to enjoy the large ceiling volume. Can be changed again.
1. The loft becomes shorter. Right now we are thinking far 2.60. 3 meters takes too much of the open space. We want to enjoy the large ceiling volume. Can be changed again.
1. The Loft will be shorter. At the moment we are thinking 2.60 far. 3 Meters takes too much of the open space. We want to enjoy the large amount laid down. Can be changed again.