Kunden jobbar i närheten, kan vara hemma ibland.En vacker hund och en  översättning - Kunden jobbar i närheten, kan vara hemma ibland.En vacker hund och en  engelska hur man säger

Kunden jobbar i närheten, kan vara

Kunden jobbar i närheten, kan vara hemma ibland.
En vacker hund och en katt finns i huset.
Entre plan
Vänster:Köket: tvätta gärna kaffebryggaren.
Sopporna finns under diskhon.Slänger de till vänster när du kommer in finns soptunnan.
Tvättstugan: I skåpet ovanpå diskmaskinen finns städ material.
I skåpet när du kommer in i tvättstugan på vänster sida finns dammsugaren, mopp.
Dammsuga och torka i tvättstugan
WC bredvid förråd.
Vardagsrum:dammsuga soffan och puffa kuddarna.
Uteplats : när kunden säger.
Piano: använd våt trasa.
Trappa upp
Kontor rum: rör inte papperna på höger sida av bordet .Tömma papperskorgen som finns på höger sida av bordet.
Gäst rum : under sängen.
Skaka gärna små mattorna på balkongen.

Ha en trevlig dag! :-)

Från: -
Till: -
Resultat (engelska) 1: [Kopia]
The customer works in the vicinity, can be at home sometimes.A beautiful dog and a cat is in the House.Entre planLeft: kitchen: please wash the coffee maker.The soups are found under the sink. They throw to the left as you enter is the dustbin.Laundry room: the Cabinet on top of the dishwasher is cleaning supplies.In the cupboard when you get into the laundry room on the left side there are the vacuum cleaner, MOP.Vacuum and wipe in the laundry roomStorage: DO NOT.TOILET next to the storage room.Living room: vacuum the couch and puff pads.The dining areaPatio: when the customer says.Piano: use wet cloth.Step upOffice room: don't touch the papers on the right side of the table. Empty the Recycle Bin, which is located on the right side of the table.Bathroom + showerGuest rooms: under the bed.The bedroomFeel free to shake the small rugs on the balcony.Have a nice day! :-)
Omsätts, vänta..
Resultat (engelska) 2:[Kopia]
The client works nearby, can be at home sometimes.
A beautiful dog and a cat in the house.
Main floor
Left: The kitchen: wash happy coffeemaker.
The soups are the diskhon.Slänger the left as you enter is the bin.
The laundry room: In the cabinet on top of the dishwasher's cleaning materials.
in the cupboard when you get into the laundry room on the left side is the vacuum cleaner, mop.
Dust and dry in the laundry room
Stories: NOT.
WC next to the storage room.
Living room: vacuum the couch and puff cushions.
the dining area
Patio: when the customer says.
piano: use wet cloth.
Office rooms: do not touch the papers on the right side of the table .Tömma trash found on the right side of the table.
Bathroom + shower
Guest room: under the bed.
the bedroom
Shake happy small rugs on the balcony.

Have a nice day! :-)

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Resultat (engelska) 3:[Kopia]
the customer"s working in the vicinity, can be at home sometimes.a beautiful dog, and a cat is in the house.entrance planleft: the kitchen, wash to the coffee machine.a garbage barrel is in diskhon.slänger to the left when you come in is the trash can.laundry room: in the cabinet on top of the dishwasher is anvil materials.in the cabinet when you come into the laundry room on the left side is the vacuum cleaner, mop.vacuum and dry in the laundry roomstorage: do not.waterfall next to the stores.living room: vacuum couch and plump pillows.the dining areapatio: when the customer says.piano: use wet cloth.upstairsoffice room: don"t touch the papers on the right side of the table.tömma trash which is on the right side of the table.bath + showerguest room: under the bed.the bedroomshake like small carpet on the balcony.have a nice day! : -)
Omsätts, vänta..
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