Lovar återuppbyggnad efter katastrofITALIEN. Italiens premiärminister  översättning - Lovar återuppbyggnad efter katastrofITALIEN. Italiens premiärminister  engelska hur man säger

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Lovar återuppbyggnad efter katastrof
ITALIEN. Italiens premiärminister Matteo Renzi lovar att bygga upp de samhällen som förstörts i jordbävningskatastrofen. Minst 250 liv krävdes, och premiärministern utlovar även satsningar på bättre beredskap och skydd mot naturkatastrofer.
Räddningsarbetare jobbar oförtrutet med att hitta överlevande under rasmassorna i de jordbävningsdrabbade delarna i centrala Italien. Dödssiffran efter det kraftiga skalvet tidigt i går morse skevs upp kraftigt under natten och väntas öka ytterligare.
"Hon är vid liv"
Men det fanns också ljuspunkter under nattens sökande. En tioårig flicka, som legat 17 timmar under rasmassorna, drogs fram av räddningsarbetare i Pescare del Tronto.
– Hon är vid liv, skrek en av räddningsarbetarna.
Bilder från Sky Italia visar flickans ben täckta av damm och sedan dras hon fram ur bråten. Flickan fördes till sjukhus.
Ett hotell som kollapsade i Amatrice hade omkring 70 gäster, och bara sju kroppar har hittills återfunnits, uppger borgmästaren Sergio Pirozzi i den lilla staden som är en av de värst drabbade av jordbävningen.
Åklagare utreder
Många människor som överlevde, men fick sina hus förstörda eller skadade, tillbringade natten i tält och bilar. Efterskalven fortsätter i området, de kraftigaste som registrerats har haft en magnitud på 5,4 och 5,1.
Sökandet efter överlevande kommer att pågå de närmaste dygnen.
– Man fortsätter att leta efter folk i rasmassorna i minst tre dygn, därefter minskar chansen att hitta överlevande, säger Ylva Jonsson Strömberg som är chef för internationella katastrofinsatser på svenska Röda korset och har lång erfarenhet av katastrofarbete.
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Resultat (engelska) 1: [Kopia]
Promise reconstruction after disasterItaly. The Prime minister of Italy Matteo Renzi promised to rebuild communities devastated in the earthquake disaster. At least 250 lives were required, and the Prime Minister also promised efforts to improve preparedness and protection against natural disasters.Rescuers are working tirelessly to find survivors under the rubble in the earthquake-stricken areas in Central Italy. The death toll after the strong Quake early yesterday morning editorial was written up considerably during the night and is expected to increase further."She's alive"But there were also bright spots during the night's search. A ten year old girl, who has averaged 17 hours under the rubble, was pulled up by rescuers in Pescare del Tronto."She is alive, shouted one of the rescue workers.Pictures from Sky Italia shows the girl's legs are covered with dust and then pulled her from the rubble. The girl was taken to the hospital.A hotel that collapsed in Amatrice had around 70 guests, and only seven bodies have so far been recovered, according to Mayor Sergio Pirozzi, in the small town that is one of the worst affected by the earthquake.Prosecutors are investigatingMany people who survived, but had their houses destroyed or damaged, spent the night in tents and cars. Aftershocks continue in the area, the strongest recorded has had a magnitude of 5.4 and 5.1.The search for survivors will continue in the coming days."We continue to look for people in the rubble for at least three days, then reduces the chance of finding survivors," says Ylva Jonsson Stromberg who is Director of international disaster response on the Swedish Red Cross and has extensive experience in disaster work.
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Resultat (engelska) 2:[Kopia]
Promises reconstruction after disaster
ITALY. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promises to rebuild the communities destroyed in the earthquake. At least 250 lives were required, and the Prime Minister also promised efforts to improve preparedness and protection against natural disasters.
Rescue workers are working tirelessly to find survivors under the rubble in the earthquake-affected parts of central Italy. The death toll after the powerful quake early yesterday morning has originally been written up sharply during the night and is expected to increase further.
"She's alive,"
But there were also bright spots during the night searching. A ten year old girl, who remained 17 hours under the rubble was pulled out by rescue workers in Pescare del Tronto.
- She's alive, shouted one of the rescue workers.
Photos of Sky Italia shows the girl's legs covered with dust, and then pulled her out of the rubble. The girl was taken to hospital.
A hotel collapsed in Amatrice had about 70 guests, and only seven bodies have so far been recovered, said mayor Sergio Pirozzi in the small town which is one of the worst affected by the earthquake.
Prosecutors investigating
Many people who survived, but had their houses destroyed or damaged, spent the night in tents and cars. The aftershocks continue in the area, the strongest recorded had a magnitude of 5.4 and 5.1.
The search for survivors will continue for the next few days.
- We continue to look for people in the rubble for at least three days, then reduce the chance to find survivors, says Ylva Jonsson Strömberg, director of international disaster response at the Swedish Red cross and has extensive experience in disaster work.
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