Vi vill ta vara på alla människors vilja och förmåga till arbete. en politik för fler jobb (se Jobben) och förbättrade insatser för dem som är arbetslösa. att stärka de arbetssökandes möjligheter att få arbete
We want to make the most of all people's willingness and ability to work. a policy for more jobs (see Jobs) and improved interventions for those who are unemployed. to strengthen the job-seekers ' opportunities to get work
We want to be on everyone's willingness and ability to work. a policy for more jobs (see Job) and improved interventions for those who are unemployed. to strengthen the prospects of finding work
we want to take care of all people"s willingness and ability to work. a policy for more jobs (jobs) and improved action for those who are unemployed. to strengthen the possibility for job seekers to find work