Naturvetenskap påverkar i hög grad samhället och din vardag. Under tid översättning - Naturvetenskap påverkar i hög grad samhället och din vardag. Under tid engelska hur man säger

Naturvetenskap påverkar i hög grad

Naturvetenskap påverkar i hög grad samhället och din vardag. Under tidigt 1900-tal levde många människor utan elektrisk ström och för bara några årtionden sedan fanns inga datorer i våra hem. Vad skulle hända i dagens samhälle om strömmen upphörde eller om internet lades ned?

Våra arbetsplatser förändras också i takt med teknikutvecklingen. Monotona arbetsuppgifter i tillverkningsindustrin övertas alltmer av robotsystem. Därmed minskar mängden arbetstillfällen med låga krav på utbildning. Samtidigt kan arbetsplatser göras renare och mindre fysiskt krävande än tidigare.

Samhället förändras även till följd av alla nya material som utvecklas. Hur hade t.ex. din vardag sett ut om du hade tvingats avstå från att använda plast? Den medicinska utvecklingen är också påtaglig. Sjukdomar som var livshotande för inte så länge sedan kan nu botas med antibiotika eller förebyggas med vaccin. Sjukvården får tillgång till allt mer avancerade behandlingsmetoder som också är kostsamma. Detta skapar svåra ställningstaganden. När vi inte har råd att ge alla i världen den mest effektiva vården, vilka ska då få tillgång till denna?

Miljöproblem ställer nya krav på hur samhället ska organiseras. Spridning av växthusgaser, skövling av regnskogar och utrotning av arter drabbar livet på hela jordklotet. Dessa problem kräver globala lösningar, vilket förutsätter samarbete över nationsgränserna.

Den växande kunskapen om våra gener har lett fram till genteknik, DNA-analys och kloning. Detta ger oss nya möjligheter att bl.a. bota sjukdomar. Det väcker också frågor om vad som ska vara tillåtet att göra inom biologin. Vetenskap väcker ofta etiska frågor som vi behöver ta ställning till.

1.1.1 Du gör skillnad
Den uppfinningsrika människan har sedan länge påverkat miljön mer än någon annan art. Det är tydligt att vår uppfinningsrikedom kan vara riskabel. Om den styrs av ”goda krafter” finns dock fantastiska möjligheter. Det är bl.a. du som ska se till att medicinska, kemiska och tekniska landvinningar används på ett lämpligt och etiskt försvarbart sätt. Det gör du genom att sprida dina åsikter och värderingar i det dagliga livet och genom politiska ställningstaganden. För det krävs kunskap, inte minst naturkunskap.
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Resultat (engelska) 1: [Kopia]
Natural sciences society and greatly affects your everyday life. In the early 20th century, many people lived without electricity and only a few decades ago, there were no computers in our home. What would happen in today's society if the stream had ceased or if the internet was shut down?Our workplaces is also changing in pace with technology development. Monotonous work in the manufacturing sector taken over more and more of the robotic system. Thereby reduces the amount of jobs with low training requirements. At the same time, the workplace be made cleaner and less physically demanding than before.Society is changing even as a result of all the new materials being developed. How did for example. your life been like if you had been forced to refrain from using plastic? The medical development is also apparent. Diseases that were fatal not long ago can now be cured with antibiotics or vaccine-preventable. Health care system access to more sophisticated methods of treatment which is also costly. This creates difficult positions. When we can't afford to give everyone in the world the most effective care, which should then have access to this?Environmental problems places new demands on how society should be organized. The proliferation of greenhouse gases, deforestation of rain forests and the extinction of species affects life on the globe. These problems require global solutions, which require cooperation across national borders.The growing awareness of our genes has led to genetic engineering, DNA analysis and cloning. This gives us new opportunities to, among other things. cure diseases. It also raises questions about what should be allowed to do in biology. Science often raises ethical questions that we need to consider.1.1.1 you make a differenceThe inventive human beings have long influenced the environment more than any other species. It is clear that our ingenuity can be risky. If it is controlled by "good forces" there are great opportunities. It is, among other things. You must ensure that medical, chemical and technological achievements are used in a proper and ethical manner. To do this, spread your views and values in daily life and through political decisions. For it takes knowledge, especially science.
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Resultat (engelska) 2:[Kopia]

Natural greatly affects society and your everyday life. During the early 1900s many people lived without electrical power and for just a few decades ago, there were no computers in our homes. What would happen in our society if power ceased or if the Internet was shut down?

Our work is also changing in pace with technology developments. Monotonous tasks in the manufacturing industry increasingly taken over by the robotic system. This reduces the amount of jobs with low educational requirements. Meanwhile, workplaces be made ​​cleaner and less physically demanding than before.

Society is changing also because of all the new materials are developed. How had the example your life look like if you had been forced to renounce the use of plastic? Medical advances are also evident. Diseases that were fatal, not so long ago can now be cured with antibiotics or prevented with vaccines. Health care access to more advanced treatments that are also costly. This creates difficult choices. When we can not afford to give everyone in the world the most effective treatment, which will then have access to this?

Environmental problems places new demands on how society should be organized. Dissemination of greenhouse gases, deforestation of rainforests and the extinction of species affects the life of the entire globe. These problems require global solutions, which requires cooperation across national borders.

The growing knowledge of our genes has led to genetic engineering, DNA analysis and cloning. This gives us new opportunities to, inter alia, Cure diseases. It also raises questions about what should be allowed to do in biology. Science often raises ethical issues that we need to address.

1.1.1 You Make a Difference
The inventive man has long affected the environment more than any other species. It is clear that our ingenuity can be risky. If it is controlled by the "forces of good" there are great opportunities. It is, inter alia, you to ensure that medical, chemical and technological achievements are used in an appropriate and ethical manner. You do this by spreading your views and values ​​of everyday life and the political standpoints. This requires knowledge, especially science.
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Resultat (engelska) 3:[Kopia]
science affects greatly the society and your daily life. during the early 20th century many people lived without electricity and only a few decades ago, there were no computers in our homes. what would happen in today"s society about the power of the internet, or closed down.our work is also changing in pace with the development of technology. monotonous tasks in manufacturing industry is taken more and more of the robotic systems. thus, reducing the amount of jobs with low demands on education. at the same time, jobs can be cleaner and less physically demanding than before.the society also change as a result of all the new materials developed. how had such as your daily life look like if you had to refrain from using plastic? medical progress is also evident. diseases that were fatal, not so long ago, can now be cured with antibiotics or preventable with a vaccine. health care have access to more advanced treatments, which are also expensive. this creates a difficult positions. when we can"t afford to give everyone in the world the most effective treatment, which will then have access to this?environmental problems makes new demands on how society should be organised. distribution of greenhouse gases, the devastation of the rainforests and the extinction of species affects life on the earth. these problems require global solutions, which requires cooperation across national borders.the growing knowledge about the genes has led to the development of genetic engineering, dna analysis and cloning. this gives us a new opportunity to, inter alia, to cure diseases. it also raises questions about what should be permitted to do in biology. science raises many ethical issues which we need to take a position.after you do make a differencethe inventive man has long had an impact on the environment more than any other species. it is clear that our imagination can be risky. if it is governed by the "forces of good", however, there are great possibilities. it is, inter alia, you should ensure that the medical, chemical and technological advances used in an appropriate and ethically defensible way. do you by sharing your views and values in the daily life and political positions. this requires knowledge, especially science.
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