Nyckelskåp i garaget på vänster sida när du kommer in.Koden 1203.Larm  översättning - Nyckelskåp i garaget på vänster sida när du kommer in.Koden 1203.Larm  engelska hur man säger

Nyckelskåp i garaget på vänster sid

Nyckelskåp i garaget på vänster sida när du kommer in.Koden 1203.
Larm finns i huset men är EJ larmat.
Börja städa med barnsovrummet som finns på höger sida när du kommer in.
Fortsätt städa i det andra barnsovrummet som finns mittemot klädkammaren i hallen.
Fukt mopp och SÅPA.
Sopporna finns på vänster av diskhon i köket.
Ta bort alla spindelnät.
Micro finns i tvättstugan.
Tvättstugan med dusch.Mittemot duschen finns alla städ material, mopp.Dammsugaren finns här i tvättstugan.

Ha en trevlig dag! :-)
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Resultat (engelska) 1: [Kopia]
Key cabinets in the garage on your left as you enter. Code 1203.Alarms can be found in the House but is not alerted.Begin cleaning with barnsovrummet that is located on the right side as you enter.Keep clean in the second barnsovrummet which is located across from the closet in the Hall.Damp MOP and SOAP.The soups are on the left of the sink in the kitchen.Remove all cobwebs.Micro is available in the laundry room.Laundry room with shower. Opposite the shower are all cleaning material, MOP. The vacuum cleaner can be found here in the laundry room.Have a nice day! :-)
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Resultat (engelska) 2:[Kopia]
Key cabinet in the garage on your left when you come in.Koden 1203.
Alarm in the house but are not alarmed.
Start cleaning with the kids bedroom which is on your right as you enter.
Continue to clean the other children bedroom which is opposite the closet in the hall.
Damp mop and soap.
the soups are on the left of the sink in the kitchen.
Take away all the cobwebs.
Micro are in the laundry.
the laundry room with shower dusch.Mittemot all cleaning supplies, mopp.Dammsugaren here in the laundry room.

Have a nice day! :-)
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Resultat (engelska) 3:[Kopia]
nyckelskåp in the garage on the left side when you come in. the code 1203.the alarm is in the house, but is not alerted.start cleaning with barnsovrummet is on the right side when you come in.keep clean in the second barnsovrummet which is across the street from the closet in the hall.damp mop and soap.a garbage barrel is on the left of the sink in the kitchen.remove all the spider web.micro"s in the laundry room.laundry room with shower. the shower is all opposite the anvil material, mop. the vacuum is available here in the laundry room.have a nice day! : -)
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