Kunden är mamma ledig OBS!! INTE MYCKE VATTEN PÅ GOLVENStädgrejerna fi översättning - Kunden är mamma ledig OBS!! INTE MYCKE VATTEN PÅ GOLVENStädgrejerna fi engelska hur man säger

Kunden är mamma ledig OBS!! INTE MY

Kunden är mamma ledig

Städgrejerna finns i skåpet bredvid badrummet på entreplan

Viktigast att kök, badrum och toaletten tas ordentligt.
Det gäller att kunna se vad som behövs göras då de har städning varje vecka

Du hinner inte göra hela huset men om du försöker att lägga upp arbetet så att det känns att hela huset är städat. (du behöver inte fukt mopps alla golven) kök, badrum, toalett moppas varje dag.
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Resultat (engelska) 1: [Kopia]
The customer is on maternity leave NOTE!! NOT MUCH WATER ON THE FLOORCleaning the stuff available in the cupboard next to the bathroom on the ground floorMost importantly the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are taken properly.It comes to be able to see what needs to be done when they have maid service every weekYou do not have time to do the whole House but if you try to add up the work so that it feels that the whole House is cleaned. (you do not need moisture mopps all floors), kitchen, bathroom, toilet mopped every day.
Omsätts, vänta..
Resultat (engelska) 2:[Kopia]
The customer is the mother unscheduled

Cleaning The stuff is in the cupboard next to the bathroom on the ground floor

importantly the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are taken properly.
You have to be able to see what needed to be done when they are cleaning every week

, you do not have time to do the whole house, but if you try to add the work so that it feels like the whole house is cleaned up. (you do not need moisture mopps all floors), kitchen, bathroom, toilet mopped every day.
Omsätts, vänta..
Resultat (engelska) 3:[Kopia]
the client"s mother.please note! not much water on the floor.the clean-up kit is in the cabinet next to the bathroom on the entreplanmost kitchen, bathroom and toilet is taken properly.it is to be able to see what needs to be done, then they have a cleaning every weekyou won"t be able to do the whole house, but if you try to put up the work so that it feels that the whole house is cleaned. (you don"t need moisture mopps all floors), kitchen, bathroom, toilet moppas every day.
Omsätts, vänta..
Andra språk
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